Flower Potholder Pattern

Welcome back, craft enthusiasts! If you want to add a touch of floral charm to your kitchen while keeping your hands safe from hot pots and pans, you’re in for a treat. In today’s blog post, we will explore a beautiful flower pot holder pattern that will not only protect your hands but also add a burst of color and joy to your kitchen space. So, gather your yarn, crochet hooks and let’s dive into the world of blossoming creativity!

Nothing says warmth and happiness quite like a sunflower. Capture the essence of a sun-drenched field with a radiant sunflower potholder pattern. Use vibrant yellow yarn for the petals, a chocolate brown for the center, and a touch of green for the leaves. This cheerful potholder will not only brighten up your kitchen but also make cooking a sunny experience.

Bring a touch of elegance to your kitchen with a rose-inspired potholder pattern. Choose soft, pastel colors for a vintage feel or go bold with vibrant reds and pinks for a more modern twist. The intricate petal design will not only protect your hands but also showcase your crochet skills. These rose garden potholders make for a lovely handmade gift as well.

Flower Potholder Pattern
Flower Potholder Pattern

Finished size: 7.5” (approx. 9cm) in diameter


  • Hobby Lobby I Love This Cotton! Solids (100g, 165m/180yds)
  • US size F hook (3.75mm)
  • Yarn needle
  • Plastic or bone ring (optional)

Note: Gauge is not essential; it’s more important to have a tight fabric than to get the exact dimensions. If using thinner yarn, repeat row 6 once more and adjust joining instructions accordingly.

Front and Back (Make 2):

Start with a magic loop, chain 3, and double crochet (dc) 15 in the loop. Join with a slip stitch (sl st). (15 sts)

Chain 3, work 2 dc in each dc around. Join with sl st. (30 sts)

Chain 3, *dc in the next dc, 2 dc in the next dc. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. (45 sts)

Chain 3, dc in the same st, ch 1, 2 dc in the same st, *skip 2 sts, (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in the next st. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Then sl st 2 more sts to end the round in a ch 1 space. (15 shells)

Chain 3, dc in the same st, ch 1, 2 dc in the same st, *(2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in the next ch 1 space. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Sl st 2 more to end the round in ch 1 space.

Chain 3, 2 dc in the same st, ch 1, 3 dc in the same st, *(3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in the next ch 1 space. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Sl st 3 more to end the round in ch 1 space.

Chain 3, 6 dc in the same st, * 7 dc in the next ch 1 space. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Fasten off. Weave ends in.

Joining Front & Back:

(The petals are made while joining, outlining the edges, then going towards the middle through front and back.)

Make sure the right side is facing out on the front and back. Line up the edges.

Pull up a loop in between two of any of the shells.

Chain 1, *single crochet (sc) in the next 7 sts (making sure to go through both layers). Sc in between the 2 shells.

Ch 1, sc around the row below (in between the same 2 shells you just did, only on row 6).

Ch 1, sc around row 5.

Ch 1, sc around row 4 (there are 2 skipped sts available, sc into the closest one, ch 1, then sc into the other).

Ch 1, sc around row 5.

Ch 1, sc around row 6.

Ch 1, sc around row 7.

Repeat from * around until you arrive where you started. Sc around a plastic or bone ring, then fasten off. Alternatively, you could chain your own hook or leave it off entirely. Weave in ends!

Flower Potholder Pattern
Flower Potholder Pattern

There you have it – five fabulous flower potholder patterns to elevate your kitchen style. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a beginner looking for a new project, these floral designs offer a perfect blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Get your crochet hooks ready and let the blooming creativity begin in your kitchen! Happy crafting!

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